On Saturday, Feb. 1, Justin Mensinger, held his pop-up shop at Honoré in Wicker Park. The purpose of the pop-up was to kick-start his secondary brand Reincarnated Nostalgia.
Reincarnated Nostalgia focuses on vintage clothing which he comes across as he searches for garments to use in his cut and sew pieces.
"I just source so much stuff, as I look for materials to reuse. I like to find stuff that’s ripped or stained and when I reuse those materials, I feel like I'm saving that garment. Sometimes I find a cool jacket or sweater and I feel like it doesn’t need to be cut up.”
Justin has collected a large number of vintage garments which he wants to keep in circulation. Through Reincarnated Nostalgia that is now possible.
The pop-up shop took place at Honoré. Charles Branford’s (founder of Honoré) goal was to create a shared space with the intention of promoting art and streetwear fashion.
Inside Honoré, Justin had racks of vintage clothes ranging from t-shirts, sweatshirts and jackets. Some bins held other vintage pieces alongside other garment pieces from his old brands ADNS (Always Dream Never Sleep) and JeyDem.
“So I collected tons of items and I really just wanted to launch this not only to keep the items in circulation. If people can't afford a $700 hoodie then they can get a vintage piece from me and still be supporting what I'm doing.”
Besides selling vintage pieces at the pop-up he also had a few pieces that were left over from his campaign with HIGHSNOBIETY and Footaction, those pieces retailed for a couple of hundred dollars each.
“I’m here supporting the bro. He has some really cool vintage stuff so I’m definitely tryna find a little find.”
“Justin finds beauty in older pieces [of clothing]. To him every piece even if it's been worn or used it has an energy. Basically what he’s trying to do is bring all the energy it has and creating something new.”
Justin will be holding another pop-up shop in three weeks at St. Jane Hotel.
Stay updated by following him on Instagram @JustinMensinger.